Well, Christmas has come and gone and now it's time to go jogging again... oh well.

What did you get for Christmas?  Any good reads?  Me, I have Isobelle Carmody's 'The Sending'.  (Thank you to my husband of almost two months!)  I have been waiting for this book for over 10 years ever since I read the original Obernewtyn novel in highschool all those years ago.

So, I'm sure I'll have this book done in a few days which will leave the finale of the Darkfall series that I'm still waiting on from Isobelle....  She writes such good books!  I just want to know what happens!!!

In the years to come, I hope I manage to stick to my 1 book per year until my series is done goal.  Check back in Dec - 2016 to see how I go (I also have the ambitious plan of releasing 2 books in 2015 as Subversion and Deceiver happen at the same time, but follow one of the good guys while the other follows one of the bad guys!)

Happy writing all.

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